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I want to suggest a new report site. Where can I do it?[]
The same, do it on the Ask To Admins board, or contact some administrator.
What's the difference between Ask A Question and Ask To Admins?[]
- Ask To Admins: Mainly to add a new report site, so, things that only admins can do.
- Ask A Question: More general. Every user can help!
How did the APZ borned?[]
This was based on the Spanish Wikipedia Tablón de anuncios de los bibliotecarios, for report things to the wiki admins, such as vandalism, etiquette violations, and others more.
I want to make a rechange on the APZ main page![]
For that, don't do it on the Ask To Admins board. Do it on the APZ talk page.
Who can reply the requests?[]
Only admins, except in the Ask A Question board. Note that users can comment, but not finish or close the request.